Miss V is offering this Fall 2012 (Sept-Dec) a 12 weeks Spanish program for children between 2.9 years old and 6 years old. Each 45 min combines art, craft, music and games.
The curriculum of this program was created based on Miss V's 1st book "Veo, veo: colors, numbers and animals".
Class 1 -rojo, uno, rana
Class 2 -azul, dos, elefante
Class 3 -amarillo, tres, pato
Class 4 -verde, cuatro, cocodrilo
Class 5 -morado, cinco, conejo
Class 6 -anaranjado, seis, gato
Class 7 -rosado, siete, cerdito
Class 8 -marron(cafe), ocho, oso
Class 9 -blanco, nueve, perro
Class 10 -negro, diez, lobo
Class 11 -gris, once, ratoncito
Class 12 -Graduation
Watch the video of all the activities (Play, Listen and Learn Spanish was the old name and logo)
The cost of the program is $180 per child (min 3 children - max 6 children). Cost includes all the materials plus a soft cover copy of the Spanish book “Veo, veo: colors, numbers and animals”
Other curriculum available: basic shapes and colors, clothes, ocean animals and colors.